2016 Future Vision (prior version of Future Vision retained for context)

The 2016 Future Vision outlines a trail connectivity plan for what was then called the "North Judson - Erie Trail (NJ Erie Trail)". The plan is divided into four (4) phases focused on increased integration with existing amenities in the Starke County area and beyond. The plan focuses on expanding linkages to existing features such as Bailey's Discount Center, Bass Lake,
Tippecanoe River State Park, Kankakee State Fish & Wildlife Area, and the Panhandle Pathway. In a larger sense, the plan capitalizes on existing designation with the American Discovery Trail Northern Branch (ADT) and the Indiana portion of United States Bike Route #35 (USBR 35).
Project Goals
1) Encourage local and regional connectivity and future trail expansion
Promote connectivity to Bass Lake, Tippecanoe River State Park, Kankakee
Fish and Wildlife Area, Round Lake Nature Preserve, ADT, USBR 35,
The Panhandle Pathway (PP), Winamac, English Lake, Monterrey, and Knox.
2) Promote user orientation on the trail, and direct traffic on the road
Provide wayfinding information (mapping) and promote local area interests
and amenities that is visible to users on the trail as well as passing motorists on Indiana State Road 10 (SR 10).
3) Provide an additional rest and parking area for trail users
Bailey’s Discount Center is an ideal location for a trailhead/rest area. Accessibility to SR 10 is good, midway through existing dedicated trail, providing a tie-in with local commercial interests.
MORE... Download and read the complete Future Vision Phase Plan PDF