Visiting the Erie Trail
Enjoying the Trail
Most of the Erie Trail is a natural corridor highlighted by wildlife and native plants. These include deer, turkeys, waterfowl, chipmunks, prairie and woodland songbirds, soaring hawks, and a diverse assortment of wildflowers, grasses, and trees. Three creek crossings on plank bridges offer excellent views. Benches provide places to rest. Interpretive signage adds interest. There are long stretches of level, uncrowded pavement.
The trail has a rich railroad heritage, especially at the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum in North Judson.
In many ways, the Erie Trail is a lineal park. The Prairie Trails Club and other volunteers work hard to keep it passable, but every storm leaves fallen branches and sometimes even fallen trees. Natural forces cause pavement cracks. Please keep in mind you are on a rural trail not an urban highway. Always stop and yield to vehicles at road crossings.
Enjoy your visit but please be responsible and courteous to others.
What to Bring
Bring sunblock and plenty of water. There are several excellent eating places, particularly at the trail's northwestern end in North Judson and near its southeastern end at Bass Lake. Binoculars and insect repellant may also be useful.
Nearby Attractions
• Hoosier Valley Rail Museum (www.hoosiervalley.org)
•Tippecanoe River State Park (www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2965.htm)
• Kankakee River Fish and Wildlife Area (www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/
• Jasper Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area (www.In.gov/dnr/fishwild/3091.htm)
• Bass Lake (www.inbasslake.com)
• Bailey’s Discount Center (www.baileysdiscountcenter.com)
• Toto Bargain Village/ Richard’s of Toto (www.richardsoftoto.com)
• Kersting’s Cycle Center and Museum (www.kerstingscycle.com)
• Melody Drive-In Theater (www.melodydrivein.com)
Nearby Attractions and Services
Several museums, shopping centers, wildlife and other recreational opportunities are near the trail, a few of which are shown on the right. Camping sites and cabins are available at Tippecanoe River State Park. Bass Lake Beach includes camping, and the Bass Lake community also has privately-owned bed-and-breakfasts.